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Global Quality Information

Global Quality Information

Quality assurance has gone beyond the scope of quality departments. Large scale enterprises ask for a unified CAQ-system over all sites anywhere in the world.
We have to accept a heterogeneous IT-environment, different ERP-Systems as well as legacy CAQ-Systems, which have to be integrated into a total concept. The iQ-GQI module (Global Quality Information) meets these diversified requirements.
It provides comprehensive information that can be used to make strategical and operative quality management decisions from the executive board down to the operating departments all over the world. The mass of quality data is restricted for evaluation purpose.

From the point of view of the Quality Management the hierarchy of a company is:

Requirements to a Global Management System

Need for Technical Information and Exchange between Sites

Strategical Requirement of Quality Information on Enterprise Level

Processing of Quality Data

Quality data originate on the lowest level

These data are to be compressed for the next higher levels (site, enterprise):

Qualität Fremdbezug

iQ-GQI data cumulation

In iQ-GQI data cumulation is done using very simple algorithms The data are stored in simple structures that can be defined by the user, e.g. for monthly statistics:

Because of the simplicity of the used structures the evaluation can be generated easily. The performance for the generation of a report is optimal.

Data Extraction

iQ-GQI is capable to correct the compressed data if it has been changed or deleted on the operative level.


Evaluation can be created using popular systems like EXCEL, Crystal, and Business Objects. The user can add his user-defined reports to iQ-Basis.
AHP constantly adds new evaluations.
The example shows a ppm failure rate for purchased parts of a site. The first three years are gathered yearly and the year 2000 monthly. Target values can be set by the user.