Gauge Complaints
Quality assurance highly depends on correctly calibrated gauges. Products are identified as standard conform or defective as a result of measurements. Regular calibrations should ensure that malfunction gauges are detected and withdrawn in time. However, it happens that defects on a gauge - and as a consequence wrong measurements - take place within the current calibration interval. Here, affected gauges will not be detected before they are subject to their next routine check. Wrong measurements resulting from this as well as concerned products can hardly been understood by the calibration lab staff.
After the calibration process the person who has done the measurement must formulate a statement about the further usage of the gauge. This exactly is where the iQ-PM-BEANST module comes into play. In case of a bad calibration result the last user of the gauge is asked for a comment. If it turns out that the defective gauge has not been used to measure a product-critical characteristic then this complaint will only be used for documentation.
However, if measurements have been performed that directly influence product quality it will be necessary to do some sorting or reworking. And possibly it will even be required to start some product callback activities.
This decision can only be made by the corresponding production area.
Important Features at a Glance
The defective gauge
- During the regular calibration a gauge becomes conspicuous. The testing person is directly prompted to initiate a complaint.
- Independently from the last use decision (to be repaired, scrapped, adjusted, etc.) a complaint can be initiated at any time.
- Accompanying documents such as an inspection report or a cover letter are created automatically (see iQ-DOKU).
- Documents can be sent directly by email or paper-based.
- The last user, the foreman, or the gauge responsible of the cost centre can be specified as the recipient of the documents by configuration.
Complaint types
Complaint just for information: In case of suspicious measurements on workpieces. The complaint will be closed immediately. The responsibility is at the user.
- Complaint with feedback: The last user must give a comment within a specified time frame. This includes information regarding the kind of usage, the severeness of consequences, the content and the effectiveness of initiated measures, measured parts, and tolerances of the test characteristics.
- The punctuality of the feedback is monitored automatically. Date violations will be reminded.
Complaint release
- Generated complaints can be released for sending by a specified person before they arrive at the last user.
User comment
- The form that arrives at the user by email or in a printed way can be edited accordingly and then be sent back to the calibration laboratory.
The online comment form can be invoked using a hyperlink contained in the complaint email. By clicking this link either a utility program or the AHP CAQ-PORTAL is opened. The utility program provides a simple form that is then used to enter the comment. However, in contrast to using the CAQ-PORTAL the comment data is not stored to the iQ-PMV database in real-time but only by using an additional service process. Both approaches do not require any prior knowledge. An additional user account in iQ-PMÜ is not required, too.
- The estimation can be formulated immediately when entering the comment or it can be noted that the estimation has still to be done.
- The complaint is closed after it has been answered completely and the comment has been accepted.
Complaints always imply efforts and additional costs. Usually these costs are avoidable because most of the problems are caused by an improper use. To detect a potential accumulation in specific fields as soon as possible our software provides a number of evaluations for the complaint subject. These can be used to recognize complaint core areas for example classified by departments, sections or gauge types. Within those core areas then measure can be initiated that lead to less complaints and therefore to minor costs and a better product.
- iQ-PMV for gauge management
- iQ-PMÜ for gauge control
- iQ-PROJEKTE to monitor a complaint with an expected feedback
- iQ-GL for central maintenance of master data of any module
- iQ-DOKU, in order to store a calibration certificate of a certain gauge
- CAQ-PORTAL for entering data into the online comment form
- iT-MAIL for automated sending of e-mails
Interfaces to Other Modules