Modularly designed software is based on the concept of storing and editing module-spanning data and functions at a central point. The module iQ-GRUNDLAGEN (iQ-GL) does exactly that. It is available to all users of the software, no matter which other modules have been installed.
iQ-GRUNDLAGEN is the central tool for managing your basic data. This module is divided in different categories and gives you access to a lot of tables that are used in other modules. Whenever you need a new base record somewhere in the programme, you store it once centrally. Afterwards you have access to it from every module.
The tables have been allocated on several tabs to give you quick access to the data. Tables that potentially contain a large amount of records do not only have masks for entering and editing data, but also overview and search masks, giving you convenient options to enter new records or to edit existing ones.
Important tables and functions
Material master
Product groups
- Product groups can be assigned to persons responsible for purchase, sales and quality.
- The corresponding materials (products) for every product group can also be displayed or added.
- Classification with search terms (one-step) or with a classification system (unlimited)
- Possibility to assign to a product group
- Change tracking for documentation purposes
- Unlimited number of business partners
- Copy function for simple adding of variants
- Material history tracking for all changes of the material record
- Support for drawings and pictures
- Assignment of inspection plans and test equipment
- Import from host systems possible (e.g. from SAP)
- Direct access to information from logistics, warehouse, production inspection (if present)
- Attachment of documents
- Various administrative fields available
Charge management
- Administration of the most important information
- Class assignment
- Corresponding materials overview
Bills of materials
- Hierarchy of assemblies and parts can be of arbitrary depth
- Definition of quantities for all parts
- Access to detailed data for every part, from there access to all information assigned to the material
- Simple maintenance of bills of materials with a graphical editor
Business partners
- Determination into service provider, customer, supplier
- Support of any amount of plant addresses and contact partners including all necessary information
- Classification availability
Drawings, texts, classes, structures
- Administration of drawings folders with any amount of drawings
- Supports about 20 different formats for drawings and images
- Maintenance of classes and features, subclasses are possible
- Efficient search function to display all objects belonging to a class
Standard texts
- Administration of texts of any length
- Setting up translations (e.g. for international correspondence)
- Classification with search terms and assignment to text groups and applications
- Support for copy & paste
Structures (Trees)
- Hierarchies of arbitrary depth for different kinds of reference elements can be set up analogously to the bills of materials
- Support of organization charts
- Graphical maintenance of the list
Plant organisation, persons
Plant organisation
- Administration of plants, areas and cost centres including assignment of areas to plants and of cost centres to areas
- Lodgement of important persons such as plant and area manager
- Maintenance of all important address data of the plants
- Maintenance of cost centre function
- Assignment of persons to plants and cost centres
- Registration of all data relevant for communication, the preferred printer and the language to be used for the application
- Summary of persons in person circles and distribution lists
Test stations
- Creation of test station groups with any amount of test stations
- Limitation of test pool
Calendar, shifts
- Creation of any amount of public holiday calendars (e.g. for different states) with fixed and variable public holidays
- Creation of plant calendars with the possibility to define special days in addition to workdays which are exceptionally free or not free
- Assignment of a public holiday calendar to a plant calendar making the latter displaying exactly the real situation
- Limiting the validity of calendars to certain periods
- Assignment of any amount of plants to one plant calendar
- Creation of shift patterns defining the shifts and their corresponding work schedules
- Function for duplication of shift schedules when creating shift patterns
- Graphical display of a shift pattern
- Limitation of validity of shift patterns
- Consideration of calendar settings
Installations, utilities and test equipment
- Definition and administration of installations and of installation sections
- Functions for deleting and copying of installations including installation sections
- Graphical structure overview over the constitution of an installation, adding of more installation sections possible
- Maintaining an installation history
- Assignment of plant, area and cost centre, of a shift pattern and of a drawings folder
- Assignment of process steps
- Assignment of documents to an installation
- Direct access to information from the maintenance (see also iQ-INST)
Utilities and test equipment
- Simple registration of utilities and test equipment even without using the test equipment management module (iQ-PMV)
Errors, malfunctions, actions and events
- Maintaining different error tables for error types, causes, consequences and spots
- All error tables allow for the assignment of error data to corresponding groups (e.g. of error types to error type groups).
- Maintaining malfunction codes/malfunction code groups analogical to error tables
- Maintaining action/action groups analogical to error tables
- Maintaining events/event groups analogical to error tables
- Creation of checklists with any amount of positions and a comprehensive description
- Usage of checklists e.g. in iQ-PROJEKTE
Material disposition codes and VE complaint codes
- Maintaining of code tables for material disposition and for usage decision in iQ-WEP und iQ-FEP
- Workflow control
- Maintaining central catalogues for size, time and quantity units, country codes and telephone area codes, currencies and person titles
- Assignment of conversion factors for currencies