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Competence Management

Competence or skill management is an essential task in the context of quality management that is demanded by quality standards. It shall ensure that any involved persons have the capabilities and skills required for successfully performing their jobs and tasks.

The iQ-KOMPETENZ module supports creating, maintaining, and managing skill tables for all employees as well as documenting measures for getting specific skills or competences such as training or course events or Web-based trainings (WBT's) created and stored in iQ-KOMPETENZ.


In a first step any relevant owned skills need to be assigned for all persons whose competences shall be management using the software. To accomplish this goal all relevant skills are created and maintained as master data. Skills have properties that can be used to establish relations to the properties of personal records. First, many skills could be arranged in skill groups that could be assigned to one or multiple groups of persons. Second, the skill type could be set to make the skill relevant for all persons. And third, there is a mapping field available for skills and persons that, if matching, means that this skill is relevant for this person.

The relations between these skill properties and the attributes of a person (such as the membership in a group of persons) are evaluated using a software feature that automatically determines the relevant skills for this person and creates corresponding assignments. Skills that cannot be found this way could still be assigned manually.

The assigned skills of the persons needs to be specified in terms of a target and an actual skill level that represent the current niveau of the person regarding this skill and the target niveau. If the target level is higher than the actual level this deficit is highlighted optically and could be evaluated statistically. Assigned skills can have an expiration date that is taken into account automatically for keeping the actual level up-to-date.

The actual level of a skill owned by a person can be changed implicitly by maintaining and documenting trainings or courses and course events. When creating a course record it is possible to specify a skill level that is reached by participating in a corresponding course event. If the participation of a person in this course event is documented this automatically updates the actual skill level of the person. A special case of such a course event is a Web-based training (WBT) that can be designed and stored in iQ-KOMPETENZ and be performed by participants using the CAQ-PORTAL. If a person performs a WBT successfully the software updates the actual skill level of this person automatically as well.

Finally, iQ-KOMPETENZ supports the concept of job training plans that define training measures for a person and have a direct impact on the person's skills. Whether the training measure is a WBT or another type of documented effort to get a skill does not matter. Performed training measures are confirmed by the trained person and a responsible for the job training plan on a page in the CAQ-PORTAL.

Important Features at a Glance


Employee skills


Web-based Trainings (WBT's)

Job training plans


Data protection

Separate user interface

Interfaces to Other Modules