Gauge Services
The main purpose of the iQ-PMS (gauge services) module is to manage placing and performing of calibration task at calibration service providers. The software distinguishes corporate from external service providers and enables both partners to use iQ-Basis for gauge management. However, it is also supported that one of the parties uses a software program of another vendor.
If the customer is the user of iQ-PMV, when taking back a gauge this is booked on a new or an existing service order. Finally, the completed service order is written to a file and then delivered to the calibration service provider including the required shipping documents. The service provider should be able to import the file into the local software and use the received data for calibration. The calibration results are then written back into another file that can be imported into iQ-PMV on the customer's side. During the import process all gauges that have been tested as okay are automatically booked while for any other gauge there has to be an explicit manual use decision.
If the calibration service provider is the user of iQ-PMV (and also uses the integrated iT-OBJEKTE tool), any customer with access to iQ-PMV will only be able to view the own data. When receiving gauges for calibration from a customer these are booked on a new service order (if possible, by importing an existing interface file). The calibration is done using iQ-PMÜ.
Important features at a glance
Service order
Service orders can be external or internal. An internal order is related to the own enterprise identified by a plant ID and a cost centre. Another difference concerns the activities. Calibration and repair orders are created in iQ-Basis and given to an external location. However, orders sent by a customer come from a external location and imply that the iQ-Basis user is mandated to perform the calibration.
- Fields for a target date, the order date, and a customer comment ease electronic communication.
- Overview of the gauges that have been received for calibration. Every position shows a status related to the service order that is "Not inspected" immediately after receipt and "IO" or "NIO" after the inspection. If no conformity statement can be formulated the position status is set to "checked, no conformity statement".
- The service order status is set automatically and can be as follows: "Registered", "In calibration", "Completely inspected" and "Finished".
Using the module as customer
- When taking back gauges from the production department these can be immediately booked into a service order. Later this can also be done by hand.
- Printing a file containing all gauge-relevant data. If the service provider uses a different name for a gauge this can be stored within the gauge master data in iQ-PMV. (Mutliple service providers are supported.) When writing the file the service provider specific name is used to identify the gauge.
- Printing the service order as a shipping document
- The service provider imports the supplied service order file into the own software.
- The inspection results can be written per characteristic as IO/NIO or including measurements into the file itself or they can be stored in the provider's own software.
- Return of the edited file to the originator (iQ-Basis user). Then the file is reimported, results measured by the service provider are written to the history, and finally the order is closed.
Using the module as a service provider
Importing (a file) or manual input of the gauge data when receiving the customer's gauge(s).
- If the customer has access to the iQ-PMV software only the customer-related gauges are displayed (provided that the service provider uses the integrated iT-OBJEKTE tool). By setting an appropriate filter the shown gauges can be limited to a specific service order (for example).
- Following the description under iQ-PMÜ each gauge can be inspected.
- A history documents results and activities according to the description under iQ-PMV.
- After finishing the inspections a file containing the test results can be written, and a shipping document can be printed.
- All gauges contained in the service order can be merged in one calibration sheet by initiating a mass job.
File formats
- The AHP format for exchanging gauge data is already supports by multiple calibration service providers. By request you can get a detailed description of the format as well as a list of service providers that already support this format.
- AHP directly cooperates with the VDI and has therefore been able to to check the new interface definition for AHP relevancies. If the new directive VDI/VDE 2623 is released AHP will support it immediately.
Interfaces to other modules
- iQ-PMV for gauge management
- iQ-PMÜ for gauge control
- iQ-PMPL for using pre-defined inspection plans according to VDI/VDE/DGQ
- iQ-GL for central maintenance of master data of any module
- iQ-DOKU, in order to store a calibration certificate of a certain gauge
- iT-OBJEKTE, to assist in object allowance all across the gauge organisation
- iT-INTRANET, to provide the customer with Web access to gauges under inspection