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Quality Messages

The quality message system should detect all irregularities occurred in the production, at the customer, caused by the supplier or the own production etc. Then it should assign the irregularities to a causing process and assure process improvements by taking specific actions. All correspondence - internal, with the customer or with the supplier - is handled automatically if possible. Reoccurring failures are assigned to the causing process by an algorithm. For every complaint the costs are collected as an essential decision criterion for the containment action. Blunders of a supplier are stored in the receiving history and are concerned in the supplier assessment. The customer’s opinion about the own supply quality can be calculated fast. Because of the increasing impact of complaints concerning services these problems can also be captured.

Problem areas

Typical quality problems

QMS organization

The QMS organisation

Customer Complaints

A customer complaint can contain several single complaint positions.

Collected data about the customer complaint:

Complaint positions

Reoccurring Failure, the Quality Process

A q-message describes a single failure. All messages belonging to the same causing process are assigned to the same quality process.

Typical reasons for reoccurring failures in the serial production are:

Special significance of reoccurring failures of a quality process

A quality process can refer to the in-plant production or the production of the supplier. That means the data to be collected varies significantly.

Assignment of reoccuring failures to the quality process

Assignment criteria:

Use decision

Customer information

Internal messages

In principle the only difference between internal messages and customer complaints is that internal messages refer to failures discovered in the own plant. The focus on the causing process is independent from the location of the discovery. The formalism (e.g. 8D report) can also be practised internally in acustic form.

Quality control

The initiation and execution of actions is fully supported by iQ-Projekte

Supplier complaint

Failure costs

The user can define any cost types (sort, crap, QM editing etc.)

QM documents

Assignment of several documents

Support of the most popular business software like Word, EXCEL, Visio, pictures etc.:

QMS history

Every processing step is registered.

Entries are recorded for every field.


The evaluation system contains a lot of single reports.

Additionally there is a selection method that can be used to query many aspects of the quality control - from a rough overview (strategical level) to the detail (operative level). The evaluations are displayed using EXCEL. For this reason several statistics can be shown in one single worksheet.

The user can create own evaluations.